Artigo de Samuel Weeks (c/ Vitor Popinsky) na Revista Anthropology Now

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Foi recentemente publicado na revista Anthropology Now (V.8, N.2) o artigo de Samuel Weeks, sócio da APA (c/ Vitor Popinsky), intitulado “Symbolism and Resilience in the Aftermath of a Destructive Volcanic Eruption”. O artigo trata as consequências sociais da erupção vulcânica recente na Ilha do Fogo, em Cabo Verde. 

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Samuel Weeks is a doctoral candidate in sociocultural anthropology at the University of California, Los Angeles (USA). From 2006 until 2008, he served as a U.S. Peace Corps volunteer in Chā das Caldeiras (Fogo, Cape Verde). After winning an Ambassadorial Scholarship from the Rotary Foundation, Weeks completed a master’s degree in social anthropology at the Institute of Social Sciences, University of Lisbon (Portugal). He was the 2013 winner of the Eric R. Wolf Prize from the Society for the Anthropology of Work. For the 2015-16 academic year, Weeks was a visiting researcher at the University of Luxembourg on a Fulbright/IIE fellowship.
Vitor Popinsky is a doctoral candidate in social anthropology at the Institute of Social Sciences, University of Lisbon (Portugal). His dissertation research took place in Chā das Caldeiras (Fogo, Cape Verde) and addresses topics such as kinship and family organization, land ownership and use, the reproduction of domestic groups and issues surrounding “race.” Popinsky has also carried out research in Mozambique on the HIV and AIDS epidemics and on the National Reserve of Gilé as part of his work in development studies at Lund University (Sweden). In 2005, he won an award from the Ruth Landes Memorial Fund (USA) to undertake fieldwork in Brazil on the social responses to the droughts that devastated parts of the country during that year.